basic bo** temperature refer to the temperature value measured by the bo** without any interference from the bo**.也可以称为“静息体温”0x251C。一般来说,这个温度是人体白天的最低体温。通常在早上醒来后测量是合适的,因为在这段时间人体没有做任何运动,也没有大的情绪波动。测量结果是最接近的准确值。
1,buy a basic thermometer.基本温度计不同于一般温度计,其刻度很密。一般来说,它是36.7摄氏度(24级)作为高温和低温之间的边界。(36度-比例10;38度-比例50)。
2,before going to sleep every night,the thermometer column mercury column to 35 degrees below,if it is an electronic thermometer to become the initial value,put it in a place to wake up.
3,wake up every morning,immediately put the thermometer under the tongle for 5 minutes,take out the reading,and record it on a special form.它也可以在腋下测量,但腋下的温度一般不如口腔温度稳定。
4,before starting to measure bo** temperature,it is stricted to get up,urinating,eating,talking and so on.
5,should be recorded when there are many factors affecting the basic bo** temperature,such as:cold,失眠,driving,taking drugs,emotions and so on.如遇感冒、发热、腹泻、失眠、酗酒、使用电热毯、酗酒、夜深等,容易影响基础体温,注意测量,注意特别指示。
6,月经痉挛和同一个房间白天必须用标记进行标记,在发烧、过度饮酒、深夜等情况下。will affect the bo** temperature,should also be noted.
7,The measurement results recorded on the basic bo** temperature table,addition to recording on p a per,it is best to recorded in a special basic bo** temperature management tool,can more convenient and invisually view of the basic bo** temperature curve,at a glash low temperature per碘和高温期。