血液中hCG的正常值-lt; 10 ug/L,β-hCG的正常值-lt; 3.1微克/升Beta-hCG是hCG的一部分。通常,正常女性中β-hCG的放射免疫分析值小于3.1。如果超过5,则可以考虑受孕的可能性。如果超过10,则可以基本确定怀孕。
在怀孕的不同时期和孕妇之间,血清hCG的绝对值差异很大。它们之间没有可比性,只有自我比较。在怀孕的前三个月中,hCG水平每2.2 + 0.5天翻一番。未怀孕妇女的血液HCG< 5IU/L通常在怀孕的前三个月中每两天增加一倍。
The normal value of female hCG is < 10 ug/L, which is a very important reference for women. Beta-hCG is a part of hCG. When this value increases, pregnancy
should be considered. Generally speaking, the normal value of beta-hCG is < 3.1 ug/L, if it is higher than 10, pregnancy can be basically diagnosed. This number will change constantly at different stages of pregnancy, but the individual situation is different, the degree of change is also different.